Noise protest against FvD 11 March Tilburg – UPDATES / Important info

Noise protest against FvD 11 March Tilburg – UPDATES / Important info

1 Come to the pre-assembly meeting point. Please, do NOT go to the action location by yourself!Kom naar het voorverzamelpunt.

2 Important info in case of arrest

1 When you come – go to the pre-assembly point. Do NOT go to Van der Valk directly by yourself. In this way, we hope to prevent dangerous situation. Together we are stronger.

Entrance of the Leijpark, At the corner of Ringbaan-Zuid and Professor Van Buchemlaan, at the Maria-and-child-statue.

Can be reached by bus: line 142 or 143, bus stop Prof. van Buchemlaan, walk back from the busstop in the direction from where the bus came.

We assemble at 19.00 hour; on 19.10 we will start walking together to the location. Be on time. That means not too late but not too early either.

2 We announced out action openly, but we did not notify the municipality officially. This makes the risk of trouble with the police somewhat larger. We took some precautions:

Our lawyer is Willem Jebbink. He can be reached on the evening of the action from 19 hour to 21.30 hour. Telephone number: 316 5579 1837

We have a legal team, or AG. They are on stand-by for us at the evening of the action. Telephone number: 31687729278

Have you been arrested? Know this!

You have the right to your medication.

You have the right to speak with your lawyer
You have the right to stay anonymous.
You have the right to vegan/vegetarian/halal/kosjer food.
You have the right to a translator/interpreter.

You can only be searched by an agent of the same gender as is indicated in your ID.
“No comment!” Don’s say anything about yourself or others!

So, when you are arrested and want to talk to a lawyer, ask for Willem Jebbink. He can assist you on the phone or in person during interrogation and prosecution if it comes to that.

Remember: an interrogation by the police is only to collect evidence against you or fellow activists. Even when [police agents co to have an nice chat, they are collecting evidence! You are under no obligation to say anything. Use your right to be silent! Ask for your lawyer, and leave it at that. An interrogation or conversation is not the place to have a discussion or make yopur point.

Do you see someone getting arrested?

Call legal team and describe the location where the arrest is and describe the looks of the arrestee. Don’t mention any names.

Watch out with what you say when you call or text legal team. Don’t share any incriminating details over the phone.

Have you been arrested yourself?
– Please let AG know when you are let go.
– Don’t sign a criminal order (strafbeschikking) and don’t sign to get your personal items back.

Finally: we come to do an action! We are fully within our rights! The above info, sadly, is necessary because police, the justicesystem and the municipality are not necessarily prepared to grant us our rights, to put it mildly. However, we assume that we can do our protest and make our pint:

NO room for fascism! No FvD meeting in Tilburg!

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